An Army of Me?

       Recently, Aiyana approached me, asking if I would help her practice her magic. Her father insisted that she did. I am not surprised Alex's [That is Aiyana's father's name. Actually, Alexandre] determination that his daughter hones her skills. For Alex power is everything. The more power you have the less likely you are going to be a victim. I would imagine the last thing any father wants is their children to be a victim. I know I wouldn't if I was a father.

         I imagine that Aiyana feels bitter towards her father, and his demands that she practice her magic. She might believe that she will never live up to him. Alex is a prodigy. He wasn't born inside one of the clans of witches. He was born into a human family with no magical powers. They might had been one of the non privileged class, who has recently rebelled. After horrific events that left his entire family dead, Alex found he possessed magic, and an impressive amount.

        Unlike Alex, Aiyana had been born into the clans. She was just taken away as a baby, and that damaged her training. If she hadn't missed those years she would understand which school of magic to focus on. The early years of a witches' life is testing the different schools, and seeing which school fits them best. Which one they have the most skill in. By, the time they are Aiyana's age they know which school of magic they are most suitable for, and are training to become experts in that school. At least that is what Katia tells me.

     Knowing all this I was still surprised when Aiyana asked me to help her practice. What did I know about magic? Alright, being a fallen angel magic is a part of me. It is just so much a part of me that I cannot explain how it work. For me using one of my powers is as easy as breathing. Yes, I can wear myself out, push myself past my limit, but after living for as long as I have I now know when I am reaching my limit, and I stop using my powers before I exceed it.

      I believe for witches it is different. Sure magic is a part of them, but they have to learn spells. I wasn't certain if I could help Aiyana learn these spell, and thought an other would have been a better person to teach her. I was even about to suggest that I retrieve Katia to help her, but then I decided that she asked me for help, and that it would be wrong of me to turn her over to someone else. So I agreed.

   Aiyana decided that she wanted to clone me. I had no idea why she wanted to. I am not so great that the world would benefit from there being two of me. I quickly realized that she wasn't asking to clone me because she had a crush. Aiyana just wanted to practice her magic.

    It sounded like a simple spell from what Aiyana told me, but that day she showed me that even simple spells can go wrong. As soon as she cast her spell eggs appeared. Eggs I thought did Aiyana believe I came from an egg? It was possible I didn't know who my parents were. I could had come from an egg. The eggs hatched a short while later with an audible pop,pop,pop followed by an over cheerful, high pitched "Good Morning"

       The mini Dimis, as Aiyana would fondly call them looked like a chibi form of me. I thought Aiyana wanted to copy me down to the last detail. My eyes don't take up more than half my face. I told her as much and her response was to bat her eyes at me and say "You have big eyes?"

         I concluded that things weren't that bad we could make chibi clones of me disappear, and start anew. I soon realized that things wouldn't work like that. Whenever, my overly cute clones are hurt they don't vanished, but instead create more. Each time one is hurt eggs appears, followed by pop,pop,pop and a chorus of Good Morning.
         Soon there were more mini mes than we could count. Some went off into the screaming "Dimi to the rescue" Others had decided to shadow me. This was not the only two things they did. Some of them  decided to kidnap Katia's cat--Medusa. I mean Nala. She realized that hitting them was pointless, and was carried of with her typical meow she uses when she believes something is ridiculous. I hope she shows up, or Katia will be furious. She loves that cat.

       either my pup Grasshopper has not realized that attacking them creates more, or he just enjoys it too much, because to the glee of the mini dimis he attacks them.

    I believe Aiyana fused pieces of herself into them. There is the fact that she doesn't like seeing anyone hurt. I don't either, but I don't think I am the reason eggs appears whenever one is injured. These mini Dimis also extremely clumsy like Aiyana. Their crazy hyperness might be me. I do get a little out there when I am drunk.

        Aiyana and I need to find a way to get rid of them, or the world is going to find itself in serious trouble as it is ruled by beings that pop,pop,pop from eggs, and greet it with an over cheerful "Good Morning" I don't think we are ready for that. I know I am not.

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